
Del Serpente

  Wiktenauer lists this supposedly 13th century manuscript (Die Art und Weise, anzugreifen und zu verteidigen) in Treatises Morgue. [1] Meanwhile we have rather solid hits that this treatise may not existed at all!

 „The earliest supposed fencing literature in Italy is a tradition of a manuscript written by a „del Serpente” and dating to the last decade of the thirteenth century. The most detailed reference to this is by Karl E. Lochner...” [2]

 „Following Anglo, we must take this tradition as spurious, perhaps a conflation of the French Phelippe and Novati's edition of the Pisani-Dossi manuscript of Fiore dei Liberi, which was published in 1902 by the Instituto Grafico.” [4]

del Serpente's manuscript (~1295)!


  1. The Manuscript Morgue is for manuscripts that seem to have existed at one time, but for which we currently have no solid information or leads.
  2. Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books: Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe (14th-17th Centuries). Brill, 2016, pp 291-293
  3. About the above book: „Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books offers insights into the cultural and historical transmission and practices of martial arts, based on interdisciplinary research on the corpus of the Fight Books (Fechtbücher) in 14th- to 17th-century Europe.
  4. Page 293, in the section: The Italian Schools of Fencing: Art, Science, and Pedagogy
  5. Footnotes (page 292): 

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