Olasz vívószablyák adatai [1]
Radaelli/Del Frate specifikációja (1868)
A kard teljes tömege: ______________ 720 g
A penge tömege: _________________ 350 g (hossza 90 cm)
A markolat tömege: _______________ 370 g
A pengével kapcsolatban nincsenek megadva méretek, de a kép alapján kiszámítható, hogy a 90 cm hosszú penge, 20 mm széles volt a kosárnál és 10 mm a hegyénél, illetve 3,5 cm ívmagassággal rendelkezett.
Parise pengéje (1884)
Hossza: 88 cm, szélessége: 20 mm (a kosár mellett), 10 mm (a hegyénél)
A penge ívmagassága ~1 cm kisebb, mint a Radaelli változat, tehát ~2,5 cm.
Ferdinando Masiello specifikációja (1887)
A kard teljes tömege: ______________ 610 g
A penge tömege: _________________ 220 g (15 mm széles, feltét. a kosár mellett)
A markolat tömege: _______________ 390 g
"Masiello's spec was in 1887, and the total weight was 610g, consisting of a 15mm wide blade weighing 220g, with a hilt weight of 390g. The Del Frate/Radaelli spec was for 720g, consisting of a 90cm long blade weighing 350g with a hilt of 370g. Radaelli's spec was in 1868 and was for a cavalry training sabre that is essentially equivalent to the officers sabre of the time, which is the same spec as the dueling sabre of the time. While Radaelli/Del Frate don't give an explicit width spec, the sabre blade depicted in the fold out Radaelli/Del Frate plates, when scaled up to 90cm, is 20mm wide at the base and 10mm at the point, and has about 3.5cm of curve just slightly aft of the center of the blade. This 20m to 10mm spec matches the spec Maestro Parise gives in his 1884 book (and his image scaled to 88cm yields widths of 20mm and 10mm). These specs also match the Italian Ministry of War's 1902 specs for a fencing sabre to be used 'on the ground' (which was their almost-code for a dueling sabres). Parise's spec has less curve than Radaelli's, by about 1 cm, and is 2cm shorter but is otherwise an identical blade. Marco Danelli has made some blades on my less curved blueprint, and told me they come out right at 350g. either the shallow or deep curved blade is appropriate for the larger italian school, though I'd honestly prefer the deeper curve if its at
all commercially practicable."
A vívókard súlypontjárol: 4 cm-re a kard kosarától (Masiello, 1887).
"Masiello said this about it in S. 3 of the sabre book from his 1887 book La Scherma Italiana: "A sabre, in which all the parts correspond exactly to the dimensions indicated in the preceding section, has a center of gravity 4 cm from the guard. The more the center of gravity nears the guard, the more the weapon is rendered light; to the contrary, the farther it is, the more the weapon is rendered heavy. Since it is evident that the lighter weapon is managed with greater precision and is moved with greater velocity, it is thus better to prefer a sabre that has it center of gravity between the place indicated above and the guard, instead of between it and the point.""
1910-ben Pecoraro és Pessina szerint a pengének 12 mm szélesnek kellett lenni. Nicolo Bruno az 1890-es években 10 mm széles pengét tartott szükségesnek. Masaniello Parise (1850-1910) egész pályafutása alatt ragaszkodott a 20 mm széles pengéhez, de 1904-ben könyvének 5. kiadásában morogva bár, de elfogadhatónak tartja a 15 mm széles pengét víváshoz.
1. Chris Holzman FB-s hozzászólásai alapján; a Schola Gladiatoria fórumán is meg lehet találni őket.