

 At the beginning of this year Nick Thomas of the Academy of Historical Fencing published an interesting post in the Military & Classical Sabre group (FB) about the static flexibility of several antique swords.

Blade flexibility –
Here I have taken a selection of my antiques to look at how flexibility varies between the different types of sword and pattern. This was mainly in response to the ever present “spadroons are too flexible to thrust” sentiment, which I knew to be untrue (or only true for some examples, rather than all).

These swords are arranged in order of their flexibility with the most flexible being the 1796 spadroon with folding guard being the most flexible, and the blue and hilt 1803 sabre being the most rigid. I suspect there will be quite some surprises in this data. This data shows what the overly flexible spadroons were like, but also what range they can be found in, with many good examples to be found. I’m sure it will also be quite a surprise to many to see just how flexible 1796 heavy cavalry swords can be. At the most flexible end of these swords, I can flex the blades almost into a half crescent, whilst at the other end of the scale the blue and gilt 1803 is so rigid is can barely flex at all. [1]

This is not a scientific measurement, but it does provide a very accurate comparison from one sword to another. For comparisons sake, a Black Fencer steel 1796 infantry sabre is 5kg and a Kvetun Easton straight blade 4.2kg. The measurements are as below.

1796 infantry officers sword (spadroon) – 2.3kg
1786 infantry officers sword (spadroon) – 2.7kg
1796 NCO sword (spadroon) .................. – 2.8kg
Lenticular bladed smallsword ................ – 2.8kg
1796 Heavy Cavalry Sword ................... – 2.8kg
Smallsword ............................................. – 3.2kg
Heavy Cavalry dress/dismounted ......... – 3.2kg
1803 Infantry Sabre ............................... – 3.3kg
1796 Heavy Cavalry Sword ................... – 3.4kg
1796 Infantry officers sword ................. – 3.5kg
1845 Infantry Officers sabre ................. – 3.6kg
1803 Infantry officer sabre ................... – 3.7kg
1796 Infantry officer sword .................. – 3.9kg
1796 NCO Sword (spadroon) ................ – 4kg
Colichemarde Smallsword .................... – 4.7kg
1796 Light Cavalry Officer sabre ......... – 5.2kg
1803 Infantry Sabre ............................... – 7kg

 The above values are extremely low in comparison with the static flexibility of an Olympic sabre (2.0-2.5kg). The author made a mistake to record the value when a blade just started to flex a little bit, thus seriously underestimating the static flexibility of his swords.
  1. These measurements were calculated using the Black Fencer system outlined on their homepage.



 Many HEMA-practitioners -- especially those, who are learning the 19th century sabre fencing -- consider Alfred Hutton as one of the earliest HEMA-scholars of that period, who initiated the first English revival of historical fencing, together with his colleagues. It is really easy to find some very well-written tributes to his memory, for example Roger Norling's article (In Memory of Cpt. Alfred Hutton) published in 2012.
 Sadly no pictures of his grave have been publicly available. Till now... [1]

 Hutton was buried in the churchyard of St Mary's Church in Astbury, near Congleton, Cheshire in 1910. Next year a memorial tablet - In Memoriam Captain Alfred Hutton Late The King's Dragoon Guards Born March 10, 1839 Died December 18, 1910. A Great Swordsman And Writer On The Art. RIP - was unveiled in the chancel of St Mary's Church.

The memorial tablet
There are those who affect to ridicule the study of obsolete weapons, alleging that it is of no practical use; everything, however, is useful to the Art of Fence which tends to create an interest in it, and certain it is that such contests as “Rapier and Dagger,” “Two hand Sword,” or “Broadsword and Handbuckler,” are a very great embellishment to the somewhat monotonous proceedings of the ordinary “assault of arms.” – Alfred Hutton, Old Sword Play (1892)
  1. There is a topic called Alfred Hutton's grave on Schola Gladiatoria's forum. The topic was started by Gary Piano in September 2012, basically he initiated the whole search for Hutton's grave. Unfortunately you need to log in to view it, therefore the full story and the above pictures are not available for an average user.


Louvre II

  Here I would like to continue the previous post about the Louvre's treasures.

Inventory number: R 857

 Object name: Sabre (Arme et équipement militaire)

Description: Description dans l'inventaire Rothschild, conservé au département des Objets d'art : "Sabre, poignée en fer damasquiné d'or, figurant une tête de bête, décorée de rinceaux de fleurettes. La lame est en acier recourbé. Inde, XVIIIe siècle. L. 0,98".

Dimensions --- Epaisseur: 2,6 cm; Largeur: 13,3 cm; Longueur: 95 cm; 
Poids : 0,978 kg
Materials and techniques: Composite
Matériau/Technique: Lame: acier; poignée: métal (alliage de fer), décor damasquiné d'or

Inventory number: R865

 Object name: Sabre (Arme et équipement militaire)

Description: Description dans l'inventaire Rothschild, DOA: "Sabre. Poignée en fer à rosace damasquinée d'or, enrichi de turquoises. La lame est droite et dentelée, en acier. Inde, XVIIIe siècle. L. 0,80".

Dimensions --- Diamètre: 7,5 cm; Largeur: 10,6 cm; Longueur: 80 cm; 
Poids: 0,96 kg
Materials and techniques: Composite
Matériau/Technique: Lame: acier; poignée: métal (alliage de fer), décor damasquiné d'or.”

Naturally this sword isn't a sabre, just a straight double edged sword. And finally after two beautifully crafted artifacts a more mundane object, an Iberian falcata.
Inventory number: AM 1673

Date de création/fabrication : Romain Impérial (-63 - 324)
  Lieu de création : Espagne
  Lieu de découverte : Nécropole de Los Collados

Object name: épée
Ancien titre: Epée et fourreau en fer/épée ibérique (Liste manuscrite 1983 ; 1982)

Description: Sabre a lame courbe (falcata) et poignée en forme de tete d'oiseau (rapace); lame de section triangulaire coupante des deux côtés a l'extrémité; trace d'élément de fourreau au bas de la garde qui conserve encore 2 clous d'un élément métallique sur la garde.

Dimensions --- Longueur: 52,9 cm; Largeur: 7 cm; Poids: 0,555 kg
Materials and techniques: fer
Technique: forgé, incisé

 This particular falcata is rather interesting sword because it is double edged around the tip. Usually falcatas have only one cutting edge. [1]

Enjoy searching the Louvre's treasures!
  1. Although usually a single-edged weapon, double-edged falcatas have been found.” [Wiki]



  Egy kis nosztalgiázás az elnyúló járvány idején. [1]

Zrínyi Kupa (2018)

 Ezen a versenyen készítette a felvételt a Hód Baranta ügyes fényképésze. A hódmezővásárhelyi csapat vezetője épp bíráskodik.
  1. Egy újabb szomorú adat: 311 halott. Ezzel megdőlt az előző rekord (304).


Ibn Fadlan

  In 2017 a magnificent Russian book was published on ibn Fadlan's journey to the Volga River in 922. It is basically a good summary of the whole journey, its historical context, including the new translation of his Risala, plus a really nice exhibition catalogue of different items related to the nations visited by Fadlan during his journey. 

 Short Russian summary of Путешествие Ибн Фадлана. Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара. Каталог выставки (2017): „Каталог подготовлен к выставке «Путешествие Ибн Фадлана: Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара», посвященной культурам народов, по землям которых в 921–922 гг. прошла миссия багдадского халифа ко двору царя Волжской Булгарии. Секретарь этой миссии Ахмад ибн Фадлан оставил бесценный источник по этнографии и истории современных ему народов от Средней Азии и до Средней Волги, а шире – всей лесной зоны Восточной Европы. «Книга» Ахмада ибн Фадлана, известная специалистам с XIX в., является хрестоматийным сочинением, откуда мы черпаем уникальные сведения для реконструкции истории части народов, населявших Восточную Европу в эпоху формирования Древнерусского государства. Настоящее издание открывается новым переводом этого выдающегося источника. Выставка, включающая в себя более пятисот экспонатов, как отдельных предметов, так и целых комплексов, показывает мир эпохи Ибн Фадлана, причем не только тех народов, по территориям которых пролегал маршрут миссии, но и тех, которые входили в состав или находились под их влиянием. Выставка демонстрирует разные сферы жизни средневековых обществ, с которыми сталкивался Ибн Фадлан во время своего путешествия. Среди экспонатов выставки большое количество памятников декоративно-прикладного и ювелирного искусства народов Восточной Европы, замечательные произведения керамистов и стеклодувов Ближнего и Среднего Востока эпохи. Большинство предметов экспонируется впервые. Издание адресуется как специалистам, так и всем интересующимся историей и культурой средневековья.” [1]

 Several richly decorated Alanian sabres (11-12th century) can be found among those items.

Page 294: item 213 [2]
Specification: total length -- 90.0 cm; blade -- 78 cm; length of false edge -- 24 cm; width near the crossguard -- 3.5 cm.

Page 304: item 227

 Specification: total length -- 101.0 cm; crossgard -- 8.0 cm; width of scabbard -- 4.0-4.5 cm.
  1. Partially available: https://books.google.hu/books?id=4rw9DwAAQBAJ
  2. Closeup of the crossguard (from a 2018 post).



  A few days ago I read on Sky News: „The world's most visited museum has put more than 480,000 pieces on show - including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. And it is free. Jean-Luc Martinez, the Paris museum's president-director, said: "The Louvre is dusting off its treasures, even the least-known.”

 „For the first time, anyone can access the entire collection of works from a computer or smartphone for free, whether they are on display in the museum, on loan, even long-term, or in storage. The Louvre's stunning cultural heritage is all now just a click away. I am sure that this digital content is going to further inspire people to come to the Louvre to discover the collections in person.”

 The interactive site will allow visitors to explore the museum room by room and is available in French, English, Spanish and Chinese.”

 Searchable online collection. I do hope that many people will enjoy it.

 Some examples. A German rapier combined with a pistol (épée-pistolet) from the last decades of the 16th century [1]

  1. „DESCRIPTION --- Object name: Epée-pistolet; Inscriptions: sur le talon de la lame: IN TOLEDO (on the forte part of the blade); PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS --- Dimensions: Hauteur : 89,5 cm ; Largeur : 13,5 cm ; Epaisseur : 6,5 cm;  Materials and techniques: acier (steel) [...] Date of fabrication : 1585 - 1600; Place of origin: Nuremberg = Nüremberg (Allemagne->Baviere) (?)”