

  „The Hungarians combined the spectacular Italian saber style with the older Hungarian wrist-fencing, creating an economical, simple, and fast athletic, rational approach to fencing. Halasz, Locas, Visy, Arlow, and Rakossy were the outstanding masters at the beginning of the century. Rakossy's pupil Fuchs won the first Olympic title in saber fencing for Hungary in 1908, and repeated his feat in 1912.

After World War I, Santelli, Borsody, Geller, Gerentsér, Gerevich, Schlotzer, and Tusnády were the top masters. The most remarkable of these men were Santelli and Borsody whose pupils long dominated saber fencing in the Olympics and World Championships. Santelli, the most distinguished of all masters, was adaptable enough to adjust his Italian style to the Hungarian temperament. He taught for almost fifty years in Budapest and was beloved by all with whom he came in contact. His service to Hungarian fencing was recognized with the award of knighthood.” [JPA, 21-22. o.]

Julius Pálffy-Alpár: Sword and masque (1967) 
alias Pálffy Alpár Gyula (1908-2001) katonai vívómester

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